Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Moais has an intensive reviewing activity for a large variety of Conferences and Journals we do not detail here.

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • 11th bi-annual Workshop on new challenges in scheduling theory 2014. Chair: D. Trystram.

Member of the organizing committee
  • EGPGV (Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Rendering and Visualization), Member of the steering committee of : B. Raffin.

  • French Day of Visualization (visu2014.imag.fr ). Member of the steering committee of : B. Raffin.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committee
  • LDAV 2014 (IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Anlysis and Visualization), B. Raffin.

  • ICCS 2014 (International Conference on Computational Science), B. Raffin.

  • SEARIS 2014 (Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems), B. Raffin.

  • JVRC 2014 (International Join Virtual Reality Conference), B. Raffin

  • COMPAS, april 22-25, 2013, Neuchatel, Switzerland, D. Trystram

  • IPDPS 2014 (25th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium) may 20-22, Phoenix, USA, D. Trystram.

  • HCW'2014 (23th IEEE Heterogeneous Computing Workshop) may 19, 2014, Phoenix, USA, D. Trystram.

  • HICOMB'2014 (13th IEEE Internat Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology) may 19, Phoenix, USA,D. Trystram.

  • HICOMB'2014 (13th IEEE Internat Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology) may 19, Phoenix, USA. D. Trystram.

  • ISPDC (13th Internat Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing) june 24-27, Porquerolles Island, France, D. Trystram.

  • PMAA'14 (8th internat. workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications) july 2-4, Lugano, Switzerland, D. Trystram.

  • OPTIM'14 (Workshop on Opt. Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems) july 21-25, 2014, Bologna, Italy, D. Trystram.

  • EuroMPI/ASIA sept. 9-12, 2014, Kyoto, Japan, D. Trystram.

  • 26th SBAC-PAD, october 22-24, 2014, Paris, France, D. Trystram.

  • CARI (12th conf on research in computer science and applied Maths), oct. 23-26, 2014, Saint Louis, Senegal, D. Trystram.


Member of the editorial board
  • Associate Editor of the Parallel Computing journal PARCO, D. Trystram.

  • Member of the Editorial Board of JPDC, D. Trystram.

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Computational Methods in Science and Technology, D. Trystram.

  • Member of the Editorial Board of ARIMA (revue africaine de recherche en informatique et maths appliquées), D. Trystram

  • Member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems TPDS, D. Trystram.